Thursday, January 22, 2015

how to apply to join Google Group (class discussions)

We are using Google Groups for our class discussion. Here's are step-by-step directions on how to get registered with our Google Group.

Step 1: Go to our Discussions page

Step 2: What you see next will depend on whether you are already logged into your Google Account.

  • if you are not logged into Google, you will see the message "Sign in to view this group" (see Figure 1)-- proceed to Step 3; 
  • if you are logged into your Google Account, you will see the message "Apply for membership" (see Figure 2)-- skip Step 3 and go to Step 4.

Figure 1
Figure 2

Step 3: If you are not logged in, sign in to the Google Account you would like to use for this course. After logging in, you should see Figure 2.

Step 4: Click "Apply for membership";

Step 5: At the pop-up, make sure you #1) edit your name-- please use a name that is easily recognizable to me and #2) answer the question, and #3) click "Apply to join this group"

That's it.

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