Monday, May 4, 2015

Jeffrey Sachs & Paul Krugman in conversation on globalization, technological change, and inequality

This event is perfect for our class and although seats are no longer available for this event, it is being livestreamed.

The Graduate Center - Public Programs

Monday, May 4 / 6:30 p.m. / Proshansky Auditorium
Globalization, Technological Change, and Inequality:
Jeffrey Sachs and Paul Krugman in Conversation

Jeffrey Sachs and Paul Krugman, two great economic minds, engage in an illuminating discussion moderated by Gillian Tett of the Financial Times. Since the late 20th century, globalization has accompanied widening inequality in both rich and poor countries, despite a decline in global inequality. In the US, globalization and technological change are often blamed for exacerbating income inequality. The panelists will shed light on these complex issues and how they relate to recent economic crises. Co-sponsored by the Ph.D. Program in Economics.
Free, Reservations Required
For further assistance, call GC Public Programs at 212-817-8215

The event will also be LIVE-STREAMED. (May 4, 6:30 p.m.)

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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

iOS and Flash

Please note that many posts on this site contain embedded images and videos, including Flash- iPads and iPhones will have problems rendering those posts.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Zotero - basics

I am a huge believer in not reinventing the wheel. With that in mind, below is a good introductory video for using Zotero:

Sunday, March 8, 2015

reminder for CCNY - new withdrawal process Spring 2015

As a reminder, the sociology department at CCNY has a new withdrawal policy beginning Spring 2015. Beginning this semester, (Spring 2015), there will be a new course withdrawal process in place that will eliminate the need for a paper withdrawal application.

This new process will allow undergraduate students to withdraw themselves from courses via Student Self-Service, after meeting with an Academic Advisor. Graduate students may withdraw themselves from courses through Student-Self Service. No Service Indicator will appear on Graduate Student records.

On Wednesday, February 25, a new service indicator will be placed on all undergraduate students records. The only effect this service indicator will have is to prevent students from dropping courses. The service indicator will be labeled “NWD” with a description, “Course Withdrawal Not Permitted Without Academic Advising”.

In order for a student to drop a course(s) during the withdrawal period, they will be required to see their advisor. The advisor will meet with the student and if appropriate, lift the Service Indicator from the student’s record. The student must log into Student Self-Service and drop the course(s) they wish to withdraw from. The grade of “W” will be immediately placed on the course(s) and visible to the student, via Self-Service. Please make every effort to meet with an academic advisor prior to the deadline date of April 16, 2015. The deadline for students to withdraw from courses is Thursday, April 16, 2015, by close of business, 5:00pm.

New course withdrawal policy - for those seeking to withdraw from a sociology course during spring 2015, please contact

Monday, February 23, 2015

the Land Matrix

One aspect of global inequality has to do with land-- who has access and can use it. As inequality widens and with growing concerns about population growth, some countries are increasingly buying, renting, or otherwise taking some form of ownership over the land of other countries. Have a look at this website to see which countries are doing what to what countries. Why do you think this is so important?
Visit the full Land Matrix site.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lesson Plan - Day 05

I've added a lot of posts. Here's how to go through them.

Status/size of world population

Historical World Population Growth & Demographic Transition

Importance of Age Pyramids

Age or Population Pyramids

From Wikipedia:
A population pyramid, also called an age pyramid or age picture diagram, is a graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a population (typically that of a country or region of the world), which forms the shape of a pyramid when the population is growing.[1] It is also used in ecology to determine the overall age distribution of a population; an indication of the reproductive capabilities and likelihood of the continuation of a species. (from Wikipedia)
A clearer view of age of pyramid for the USA

The images below come from; visit the site to view pyramids from other countries.

world population growth & demographic transition

Population Growth over time

Demographic Transition Model

Highlights in World Population Growth

Some Mortality Tables for USA


the importance of geography, population growth - great post from Benjamin Hennig

A great post by Benjamin Hennig on population growth, geography, and sustainability. Hennig writes
Geography matters because where populations increase and where they decline is highly relevant for finding solutions that provide a better future for all of humanity. While we are already producing enough food for 10 billion people, as shown in a study published in Nature, we do not manage to distribute this fairly so that hunger is a persisting problem. A population of 9, 10 or even 11 billion does not have to be a disaster if humanity makes more effort to minimise its environmental impact while providing a sustainable basis for how many people there are in the world.
Meanwhile, here's an animation of the world sized by people living on less than $1/day to those earning over $200/day from Worldmapper (© Copyright 2006 SASI Group (University of Sheffield) and Mark Newman (University of Michigan)). (note that the animation below is in Flash)

World Clock

World Clock by

Saturday, February 7, 2015

data visualization with Google!

Have a look at Google's Public Data Explorer that allows you to visualize and a great deal of public data.

Here are some interesting charts.

Now you might want to go to the same sight and search for GDP per capita to se the difference.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

how to change your username in Google Groups

It's actually quite easy to change your name in Google Groups. Here's how in just a few simple steps.

1) Log into Google Group
2) in the upper right, click My Settings

3) Choose "Membership and email settings

4) In the pop up window, give yourself a name that is easily recognizable; you may also choose to link your name with your Google Profile.

5) when you're done, click "Save" and that's it.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Atlas of Global Inequality website and resources

The actual website with many useful maps and the site's database where you may create maps and data tables of your choice.

how to apply to join Google Group (class discussions)

We are using Google Groups for our class discussion. Here's are step-by-step directions on how to get registered with our Google Group.
